Day One
Date: 10 Feb 2021 | Reading Time: 1 minuteIt's the first day after I've committed to blogging in a completely non-committal way (haven't made this public yet) so I'll write a quick update. This site is built with Eleventy, which I've never used before yesterday, so I spent a bit of time learning how it works. I actually bootstrapped this site with eleventy-base-blog to get started. Out of the box it's using Nunjucks as a template engine, which I also have no experience with.
So far it all seems pretty straight forward so I'm working on setting up some bare-bones templates and styles and then I plan to make this my new live website. My current website is two static HTML pages styled with Bootstrap and is just a landing page and an online version of my résumé. I think it will be a nice change of pace to have a more casual and personal site and leave the résumé stuff on my Linkedin profile.
The other thing I'm looking into is switching web hosts. I'm currently using a traditional host that I've hosted some CMS websites with for many years. I've retired all of those sites and don't need the traditional LAMP stack host anymore. Since static-site generators and Jamstack are all the rage, I'm considering moving over to one of the popular players in that space. Netlify and Vercel typically top the lists but I also see Cloudflare Pages has an offering and I already have a Cloudflare account that serves up my current site on their CDN. A bit more research is required, but it would be nice to have a more modern host where I can deploy to production by pushing directly to a GitHub repository.
- Next: Hello World
- Previous: Here we go again