Alex Peter Hall

Hi! I'm Alex.

I help companies build and improve their manual and automated testing practices. I have over a decade of professional experience in Quality Assurance performing manual testing, leading testing teams, and building test automation frameworks and end-to-end tests. I am 100% focused on software engineering and driving software quality through test automation using the latest technologies. I'm also having a lot of fun with Eleventy, React, learning about static-site generators, and all that cool Jamstack stuff.

I am currently looking for new opportunities and I am excited to join a collaborative team where I can make an impact with test automation!

I like to read and I am always learning something new. I am currently fascinated with philosophy, psychology, and leadership. I also like disc golf, riding motorcycles, watches, playing classical violin, and collecting more hobbies than I have time for.

Latest 3 Posts

  1. Firebase with React Provider Component Pattern
  2. Fix missing Cypress type definitions
  3. Add Firebase Realtime Database To Your React App

More posts can be found in the archive.